
Choose from one of our awesomely priced packages below

It is prove that if you have a service, product or concept that needs any explaining, creating a short, motion graphics-based video can be the best way to get your audience’s to take notice and more and importantly understand, engaging with your viewers better and improving their learning experience.

Now-a-days a video can help you standout and build customer trust. For a limited time only as we build our online portfolio, you can receive a customized business commercial video for a low fee of 399.99. To jump start this promotion for a limited time receive 70% off simply enter promo code MY FIRST VIDEO to receive discount.


3D Glass

In this package we involve adding motion and3d-commerical depth to still images to give a 3D slide effect. Several images are arranged into a layered, three-dimensional composition, and a single image can be tiled into a background pattern.

Several additional elements can also be to add realism and depth , including foreground elements, background images, camera shake, camera pan/zoom, and scaling the background images.

This Package will take all the guess out of the process so you can focus on your business. All you got to do is send us you thumbnail rough draft of you story board and we will take care of the rest. We can take produce a video in less than 72 hours to start sending customers to your business and ASAP. Normally 299.99 for limited time only $99.

3D Glass[su_video url=”″ poster=”” width=”500″ height=”300″]
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Informational[su_video url=”″ poster=”” width=”500″ height=”300″]
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In this process is for any topic and no just products or services.

Videos are everywhere. Businesses use them to for complex topics, employees, or just show their soft side. Teachers and students use them to  learn skills, such as creativity and critical thinking. Some people use them to make their friends laugh, , or just say, “Hi” to someone.

The problem is making a video is hard. People perceive it as a processes they can’t even wrap their head around. If they can think it through, some people then think it’s going to take a long time, and cost a lot, or be extremely hard.

Package include but not limited to Script writing, Professional voice overs, Royalty free images, Motion Graphics, Background music and free publication to Yubetube. Normally 299.99 for limited time only $99.

Fun Example

You may think that creating a commercial is something that can be rather complex, or confusing.  One of the greatest benefits of videos is the opportunity to share your message visually and verbally.

Althought is sad to say some people don’t like to read. Offer this person a video to explain the pupose of your business is the perfect opportunity to gain a customer that would normally leave if you didn’t offer a video.

Package include but not limited to Script writing, Professional voice overs, Royalty free images, Motion Graphics, Background music and free publication to YouTube. Normally 299.99 for limited time only $99.

Fun[su_video url=”″ poster=”” width=”500″]
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There will be more templates and examples added soon.

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