Breathe life into your script
Yes Hello, I was actually calling in regards to, am I speaking to the right person? Ok great, the reason for my call is I came across your site, great looking site ,I see a ton of potential with your website and I was just wondering if you were open to some ideas and suggestions?
Ok well good , the reason for my call, first off let me introduce myself, my name is ____________ I’m calling with which is an acronym for Return on Investment Search Engine Marketing. We are a multimedia design and marketing company and the reason for my call ( again just to cover point) is I see a ton of potential in your site you got a great product line , good layout, good design, I just think that with a few minor tweaks and revisions you could definitely increase your visibility online.
Do you have a few minutes, depending on how many question you have, this can take anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes. Is now a good time?