Project Management Process

1. Discovery

This is where we start brainstorming about the core ideas, as well as any potential solutions and technologies. We gather all the ideas, options, and any relevant prices. We can only proceed with your project after we have communicated the specific functionality, prices and timelines that are required.

2. Planning

We start by making a list of all the features and functions you can imagine for this project. Then start estimating how much money and time it requires for each. Now go through your list and prioritize the functions to determine which need to be launched right away, and which are less important and can wait for a future update. Now we can begin to see how much time and money we will need to build architecture, interface, design and do the bug-fixing and configuration.

3. We literally

start with a blank piece of paper and freehand the basic structure of a website or application. This helps point out relationships between its pages or sections like a site map. Menus and the main elements are included. The amount of details included in this draft is on a project by project basis. But we are really mapping out the big obstacles in your project.

5. Interface

Using your wireframe as a guide, draw everything that has to appear in the final product, including everything that needs to be there. Figure out all the links, all the menus and interface methods, such as pop-up, drop-down, slider etc. You can still do this on a blank piece of paper, but I suggest to using software such as yED, which is a free download. Take your time with this stage. When you have it perfect, set it aside for at least one day and then examine it with fresh eyes. Try to find at least two places where you can save a click, make a more intuitive menu, or make something else better. Then print it out and you’re ready to go with the next step.

6. We start

researching the industry and put your input to start creating the design base On the wireframe sketches and the interface. We discuss any tricky spots in the design and explain why and how your ideas have evolved.

7.the design

Once is complete we test for any bugs, make any final tweaks and then we launch.

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